Monday, July 29, 2013

I don't like being touched.

By people I don't know... Mostly.
I mean,  if you don't know me, don't touch me.

Don't even get close.

If I'm close to someone. And they obviously show a sign that I'm in their space,  I move away and make them more comfortable.

Are some people missing the one noodle in their brains that tells them, "Well shit Nancy,  I think we're in this gentleman's space. Best move away before he blows our head off."?
No? Don't shop here then!

.. I hate working retail.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

There's so many things

That happen in the morning.
I woke up kinda early
And it's really rather boring.
But if you just get up
And begin to live the day,
Your day becomes magnificent.
Just glorious I say.

Take for instance my example.
I woke up and made some Joe.
Some Joe I had as well as oatmeal.
Some oatmeal cooked on heat that's low.

Greeted my pop With the warmest good morning
And proceeded to go outside to eat.
The weather is perfect! I shouted victorious.
Then sit down to begin to eat.

Chewy oatmeal, toasty coffee.
Oh how sweet this morning is.
Alas, if only. Oh,  if only.
I could stay at home like this.

Off to work I go my friends,
But remember this all you.
If your morning is fantastic,
Then your day will follow through!


Friday, July 12, 2013

A bit of a confession..

I go to this coffee shop.
I tell them to take their time.
I spend as much time as I can here.
So I don't have to be at work.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

This will be a voice to text blog post

so bad grammar is inevitable. I'm sitting outside of my Verizon store right now. In my slacks. In my expensive dress shoes. And a tank top.

Sometimes I wonder what the hell I'm doing here. then I remember that this job pays pretty good money.
A guy just got into his truck but right before he did he started it with his remote control.
Its funny how everything in our lives nowadays is so incredibly easy but somehow we find a way to complicate things. It's almost like every single person who's alive right now has one mission in their life. To over complicate things. Every single person live every single day over complicating every single thing that they think about.

Can we just start a new society? A society in which were all equal? Can we thrive for the good of all mankind instead of just ourselves?
Something like that even possible?

Today is presented me with some issues. Issues that makes me feel like I don't really want to live in this society anymore.
I just finished watching into the wild. It was a great movie but left certain lingering negative feelings that I'm not sure that are very bad. It feels like they're beneficial, it feels like I'm supposed to feel that way after this movie, but the beauty of the movie I believe is that it's real. Happiness doesn't sound somewhere in the middle of nowhere with no one around you but yourself. I'm starting to realize that happens to sound when you're done dealing with all the bullshit. When you figure everything out and even though you're still in the same situation that cause you to hate life, you realize that this is the only situation you could be in can you deal with it. That's how you find happiness.

I haven't the slightest clue as to why I'm rambling on outside my store about happiness about into the wild about issues I have this morning. But I left my lunch on the counter this morning and I haven't anything better to do.

Back at home.

Decided to punctualize.
Apparently that's a sin,  so I'm not doing that.

I'm thinking of creating some kind of outlet in Sacramento for actors. Some kind of way to find a good script,  jot down a shot list,  and pull random,  brand new actors in every week to shoot a short film.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

I love riding trucks.

One of my uncles, (well he's kind of my uncle. He's my dad's brother's wife's brother) drives a truck. He's been driving a truck ever since I was very little.
Now we're passing Weed, CA coming home from Washington. Its so gorgeous guys.
Pink skies as the sun is setting. The stars are already out and sparklin'.
We're going to stop by a pilot truck stop to grab some grub.
Should be home by about 3am.
Life's good.
God is great.

Friday, July 5, 2013

So I'm all like

Lalala living life,  ya know. Then my buddy Artem writes me and goes,
"Bro,  I'm shooting your cousin Paul's wedding. You're gonna be my second cameraman. "
Hell yeah Artem,  let's do it.

Fast forward three months later or so,  here we are at this gorgeous venue.
An old and very fancy manor.

Great choice Paul.

And this guy has to have everything perfect. I mean,  usually it's the bride that's trippin over small stuff. But this guy's got the entire evening written out in screenplay fashion.
... Scheduled via military time.
We're at the rehearsal just losing it over this place,  right? Walking up and down the floors, checking out all of the cool rooms.
The powder room downstairs was legit.
It's like I was missing a top hat and a cigar.

Fast forward the next day,  everyone is chilling enjoying this fantastic wedding.
The projector screen fell over in the wind though and almost murdered me.

So here I am,  day after. Sitting on the former back porch of my freshly wed cousin's house. Overlooking the little town of Ferndale and, in the background, the beautiful majesty of Mount baker.
I haven't gotten to relax like this in over 5 months.
Just work work work work.
And now I get to relax and right now guys!
Right now! I'm gonna fire up a Russian Sauna.
Complete with tea and cookies.
One which reaches well beyond 200 degrees.
And imma roast yo.
Its going to be fantastic.

But who's reading right?