Tuesday, September 24, 2013


I woke, I brushed my teeth, I made my bed.

I made coffee, I sat outside, and I talked to a passing by relative.
She told me I shouldn't be barefoot on cold concrete.
Old Russian wives' tales.
I promise you this, there was a time when I would take an extremely hot bath in the evenings of winter. The cold, dry kind of winter you experience in the middle of winter. The boring, drawn out part. The part when you feel the loneliness, and then cope with it by having friends closer than you would in the summer. 
Yeah anyway, I'd take a hella hot bath right? And then lie down on the cold concrete outside my house.
..Granted, it was on a towel.. But I was heated. And it was cold. And I never got sick.
Well at least I wouldn't be able to blame it on the ritual. Because of it's consistency. I did that pretty much every night for some time. 
Old Russian wives' tales.

So yeah, drank my coffee. Pleasantly said farewell to the slightly-aging couple, and went inside.
Then I went to work on my youtube episode. One about all of the gear that I have, and will be using to make the videos I post. It's also the gear I use to post stuff here! Makes sense, right!?

Video was up, pretty cool.

Then my friend Jamie came over.

Then we went on a bike ride.

Then we flew some helicopters on the television.

Then my brother made some cookies, and oh boy were they good. They were peanut butter cookies. With giant chocolate boulders and peanut butter cups baked right in. All melting nice and slow like.
Accompanied by a tall, fresh from the freezer glass of ice-cold, Grade A, Vitamin D, Red Cap Milk.

Damn right.

We watched a movie afterwards, No wait. We watched LOST.
A ton of LOST. 
and now i gave up on that crap man it's like it wont end omg.

And I bid thee farewell my readers. Sorry for my random brainfarts and whatnot. It's inevitable. I'm slowly going mad you see. 
It's inevitable.

Good night guys
Here's a cool picture of Bill and me.

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