Friday, February 28, 2014

I got off work early today.

After waking early at 5, after eating a delicious breakfast and enjoying hot coffee with my dad, we set off into the rain. We drove down the street, peering through the spots on the windshield that were the clearest.
We drove to Starbucks, but not the one I work at. You see, sometimes, even a Starbucks store messes up. And they run outta coffee.         It's a coffee shop. You cant run out of coffee, so you get your employee to bring it on the way over.
... Ahem
I mean, I didn't mind. At all actually. I got to come to work late, 1. I get to spend a bit more time with my pop before he leaves, 2. And I get to come to work a little late, 3.
We got there.
"Hey I'm Mark. Yeah, I'm here for the pikes roast. Err pikes coffee. I work for starb... I work at harbor."
"Oh you're from Harbor. Why didn't ya say so, hold on I'll be right back."
"Here ya go man."
"Hey, thanks buddy."
"Hey thank yourself man."
"Yeah? Man, they weren't joking when they said you guys at Jenkinson were a buncha lazy assholes, huh?"
"Oh OK mister big shot Barista, why don't you go fOK, maybe that's not what actually happened.

I grabbed the coffee, ran out the door and into the rain. It pouring at this point.
Hopped into the car, toasty now and windows crystal clear.
We got to the truck yard, and he got into his truck. It was loaded and ready to set off to New Mexico. I handed him his things and said goodbye. You'll be missed. Love you.
I rolled off of the exit ramp and onto the freeway. Off of the freeway and parked my car at work. Grabbed my apron and in I went.
Out I came, at 1:30 about.
It was nice because I got off early.
I'm making tea and eating cheesecake.
See ya's.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

But then again..

Hops are stagnant for a while... Right?

I mean, think about it. Then you get really good beer.

Or really crappy beer I suppose.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Ive grown stagnant.

Unwilling to write anything, its pathetic.
The worst part is that it's for no good reason. The only one that comes to mind is laziness, and that's never a good reason for anything.
I'd blame it on the issues in my life, but then I'd be exposing myself. And we can't have that can we? It would also make it sound like I'm whining. And that would be unacceptable wouldn't it?
The reason doesn't change the fact that I am in fact, stagnant. No movement in this brain as far as writing goes, and it really is sad.
I catch myself in moments at times, in the car. Or in the bathtub. Or even in places as peculiar as long winded stories being told by someone I'm not too fond of.
But I catch myself thinking of an idea or a story. I find myself passionately thinking it over and giving all of my creative energy in that moment. But something normally happens that knocks my top off of its axis. A conversation, a joke, or an argument.

...and I forget what I wanted to write about.