Monday, December 30, 2013

We're driving out of San Francisco.

And I can't say I left my heart there. I mean, it was nice. But it's not something I'd fall in love with.
It's a pity, but I felt that way at one point. I felt like I loved it. But I realize now that all my love towards that city was based on my childhood memories. And as it seems to be, it's my childhood that I love.
The city hasn't changed, really. The people have.
The buildings have too, a bit. But it's still San Francisco, you see. San Francisco is still what you call it.

I love reading the writings of others about this city. Others, who unlike myself, didn't get to see it in its present state.

Saturday, December 7, 2013


What should I say about traffic.
It's big, it's busy, it's loud.
What should you do when you're in it?
Jam to some tunes, or stare at the clouds?

Maybe I'll wave to a stranger.
Maybe their life is in danger.
Maybe their kids are such little brats,
And all they do is sit there and pout.
Maybe by seeing someone's face smile
Their own can be brought up, and out.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

I have this issue.

I have a moment in a day, in which I'm perfectly clear. My mind has a thought and I need to write it down, right?

Yeah, well I start writing and then I'm like, "Yeah, this is crap."
So one of two things happens.
Either I do the usual, and just quit.

Yeah, like erase, not save, screw it all, close, quit, effyew.

OR, I start writing in rhyme. Which was what the last post was. It was about all of my beloved scoundrels who live in Washington state.
They all have beautiful faces with beautiful instagrams with beautiful pictures of beautiful scenery.

           and I always get jealous so..........

Sorry, this was more or less a brain fart. Actually an experiment and test. I'm forcing myself not to delete this.


Fine I'll click Publish.


I envy the ones
who live in the hills.
I envy their eyeballs
and all they take in.

They live in the green.

I live in a plate.
They drink fancy coffee.

While mine's always plain.

They go to their beaches,
they dance on their cliffs.
They hashtag and comment
all full of what-ifs.

Oh, the places I'd go.
If given the chance.

The people I'd hug, 
the laughs that I'd laugh.

The mist that hugs
the tops of the hills.
The hiking boots, sweater.
Hot coffee, cheap thrills.

We're all just like fish.
In not-so-dense water.
All have what we need.
All still hot and bothered.