Saturday, November 16, 2013

Have you ever felt this way?

You're in a new place, a new friend's house perhaps. And you're driving down a road that isn't familiar. But flash forward about a month, and all of a sudden, you could drive down that street blindfolded.
Or being stuck in a godforsaken greyhound bus. It's weird, and foreign at first. But after a few hours and as the realization of the last 10 hours you're going to need to endure, and the pain that is in your ass soaks in... It becomes all too familiar.
But I digress, what i'm getting to is the fact that this is the way I feel right now. This plane, at first was foreign. Even though we weren't supposed to have first class seats, they feel familiar now.
These seats were at first a new place to sit. Now, it's my home up in the air, my domain.
Even though I wasn't originally able to get as many drinks as I wanted for free, I suddenly feel entitled to it.
I had to originally pay for a three course meal up here. Now, they ask me if I want more without mention of a price.

....... Wut

It hasn't sunk in quite yet. The fact that I'm currently 30,000 feet up in the air cutting through the evening cotton candy clouds at 500 miles per hour. (well not currently, I don't have service. But I'm typing up here!)
I'm over the Pacific. And I honestly can't believe that there's an enormous ocean under me. I would go so far as to say that pretty much nobody really thinks about this when they fly. I'm very sure some do, but my faith in people is very weak.
Under me are clouds. Under them, the vast ocean. In it, literally millions of different species of God's creativity. Guys, there's whales down there. Whales. The size of busses.
Oh god, buses. (busses?)  whatever.
But seriously, WHALES.

I can't wait to get to Hawaii. It's so close, and so far. We'll be landing any time now.
Ready thineselves for a good amount of photos.
But only on Tuesday.  That'll be when I'll be home.

I am so friggin blessed.

Cya guys.

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