Saturday, September 14, 2013

A dream I woke up with.

We're at the Oregon Coast at a different house.
There's a knock at the door,  and there stands a seasoned man. About 55 years old, slightly round and he isn't happy. This is the owner of the house.

"You idiots broke the garbage can. Do you have any idea how much this is going to cost to replace?!"
It was my fault.
Yes I did break it. But it was an accident.
Here's the thing. The trash can was in the shape of a rocket. A shiny, silver retro looking rocket.
True,  hard to replace. But I would've tried.

"Sir, I'm so very sorry!"  I blurted out. "I can most definitely buy you a new one, and I can get on it in a few hours!"
"Hah! Look at you. You moron. What are you on, penicillin? He's on penicillin isn't he? Look at your eyes, I can tell."

*OK, I was shocked. I got so angry. I was being nice to him but he wasnt having any of it. 

I slammed the door and walked away from the door huffing and puffing at this guy's rudeness.
" Dude, penicillin?!" I yell towards Joe. "Penicillin is an antibiotic!"
Without further hesitation I grab our shotgun out of the closet. I walk back to the door and swing it open.

Just, BLOW the guy away right?

Next scene was he wakes up tied to a chair near a river somewhere out back.
(I guess I must've had a sandbag in the shotgun)
"look sir," I tried to reason. "this is the card you gave me right?"
I put an American express card from Costco down on the rock in from of him. Don't ask me how I got it. Don't remember.

He nods slowly, his head wet and weak. Bobbing back and forth like a car accessory.
"I'm going to buy you a new, normal, trash can on your card. Okay?" I asked. "And then I'll pay you back."

And then I just woke up.

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